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Associations between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Jump and Change of Direction Speed Tests and Physical Performance in Adolescent Female Soccer Players.pdf.jpg27-mar-2021Associations between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Jump and Change of Direction Speed Tests and Physical Performance in Adolescent Female Soccer PlayersMainer Pardos, Elena; Bishop, Chris John; Gonzalo-Skok, Óliver; Nobari, Hadi; Pérez-Gómez, Jorge; Lozano, Demetrio
Effects of Direction-Specific Training Interventions.pdf.jpg18-ene-2022Effects of Direction-Specific Training Interventions on Physical Performance and Inter-Limb AsymmetriesGonzalo-Skok, Óliver; Sánchez-Sabaté, Jorge; Tous-Fajardo, Julio; Mendez-Villanueva, Alberto; Bishop, Chris John; Piedrafita, Eduardo
Effects of Three Different Combined Training Interventions.pdf.jpg24-nov-2021Effects of Three Different Combined Training Interventions on Jump, Change of Direction, Power Performance, and Inter-Limb Asymmetry in Male Youth Soccer PlayersMoreno-Azze, Alejandro; Arjol-Serrano, José Luis; Falcon-Miguel, David; Bishop, Chris John; Gonzalo-Skok, Óliver
Comparison of Three Eccentric Overload Training.pdf.jpgago-2021Comparison of Three Eccentric Overload Training Strategies on Power Output and Interlimb Asymmetry in Youth Soccer PlayersMoreno-Azze, Alejandro; Arjol-Serrano, José Luis; Falcon-Miguel, David; Bishop, Chris John; Gonzalo-Skok, Óliver
Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with decrements in physical performance in youth elite team sports athletes.pdf.jpg3-mar-2020Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with decrements in physical performance in youth elite team sports athletesFort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Bishop, Chris; Busca Safont-Tria, Bernat; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Vicens-Bordas, Jordi; Gonzalo-Skok, Óliver
Horizontal jump asymmetries.pdf.jpg8-jul-2023Horizontal jump asymmetries are associated with reduced range of motion and vertical jump performance in female soccer playersRoso-Moliner, Alberto; Lozano, Demetrio; Nobari, Hadi; Bishop, Chris John; Cartón-Llorente, Antonio; Mainer Pardos, Elena