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Comparison of Growth Patternsof COVID-19 Cases through the ARIMA and Gompertz Models..pdf.jpgjul-2020Comparison of Growth Patterns of COVID-19 Cases through the ARIMA and Gompertz Models. Case Studies: Austria, Switzerland, and IsraelDíaz Pérez, F. J.; Chinarro Vadillo, David; Pino Otín, Rosa; Díaz Martín, Ricardo; Diaz, Moises; Guardiola Mouhaffel, Ali Adib
Coronavirus-driven digitalization of in-person communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church online response in Spain during the pandemic.pdf.jpg28-abr-2021Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the PandemicSabaté Gauxachs, Alba; Albalad Aiguabella, José María; Diez Bosch, Miriam
Analysis of the Calls Received during the COVID-19 Lockdown by the Mental Health Crisis Helpline Operated by the Professional College of Psychology of Aragon.pdf.jpg2-mar-2022Analysis of the Calls Received during the COVID-19 Lockdown by the Mental Health Crisis Helpline Operated by the Professional College of Psychology of AragonMonreal-Bartolome, Alicia; Lopez-Del-Hoyo, Yolanda; Cabrera-Gil, Itxaso; Aguilar-Latorre, Alejandra; Puebla-Guedea, Marta; Boira, Santiago; Lanero, Jesus
Mental Health and Access to Information in Times of COVID-19.pdf.jpg8-abr-2022Mental Health and Access to Information in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Social WorkRomea Martínez, Ana Cristina; Valero Errazu, Diana; Elboj, Carmen; Melgar, Patricia
Respiratory physiotherapy in post-COVID-19.pdf.jpg12-oct-2021Fisioterapia respiratoria post-COVID-19: algoritmo de decisión terapéuticaArbillaga-Etxarri, Ane; Lista Paz, Ana; Alcaraz-Serrano, Victoria; Escudero-Romero, Raúl; Herrero Cortina, Beatriz; Balañá Corberó, Ana; Sebio-García, Raquel; Vilaró, Jordi; Gimeno-Santos, Elena
COVID-19_ Short and long-term effects of hospitalization on muscular weakness in the elderly.pdf.jpg24-nov-2020COVID-19: Short and long-term effects of hospitalization on muscular weakness in the elderlySagarra-Romero, Lucía; Viñas-Barros, Andrea
An Opportunity for Management of Fatigue.pdf.jpgmay-2024An Opportunity for Management of Fatigue, Physical Condition, and Quality of Life Through Asynchronous Telerehabilitation in Patients After Acute Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Randomized Controlled Pilot StudyCarpallo-Porcar, Beatriz; Calvo Carrión, Sandra; Herrero Gállego, Pablo; Gómez-Barrera, Manuel; Jiménez Sánchez, Carolina; Alamillo-Salas, Jorge
ANÁLISIS DEL PERFIL SOCIODEMOGRÁFICO Y CLÍNICO DE PERSONAS DERIVADAS A UNA UNIDAD DE SALUD MENTAL DURANTE EL PRINCIPIO DE LA PANDEMIA POR COVID-19 EN ESPAÑA.pdf.jpg22-dic-2022Análisis del perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de personas derivadas a una unidad de Salud Mental durante el principio de la pandemia por COVID-19 en EspañaSamper Pardo, Mario; Aguilar-Latorre, Alejandra; Azon Belarre, Jose Carlos