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Clinical impact of a pharmacist-led medication review.pdf.jpg21-oct-2020Clinical impact of a pharmacist-led medication review with follow up for aged polypharmacy patients: A cluster randomized controlled trialVaras-Doval, Raquel; Gastelurrutia, Miguel Ángel; Benrimoj, Shalom I.; Garcia-Cardenas, Victoria; Sáez-Benito, Loreto; Martnez-Martínez, Fernando
Using bioclimatic indicators to assess climate change impacts on the Spanish wine sector.pdf.jpg27-feb-2023Using bioclimatic indicators to assess climate change impacts on the Spanish wine sectorGaitán Fernández, Emma; Pino Otín, Rosa
Gauging the Media Discourse and the Roots of Islamophobia.pdf.jpg9-ago-2023Gauging the Media Discourse and the Roots of Islamophobia Awareness in SpainCorral García, Alfonso; Coninck, David De; Mertens, Stefan; d'Haenens, Leen
Los temas de los líderes políticos.pdf.jpg2018The issues of the Spanish political leaders in Twitter. Analysis of the two electoral campaigns in 2015Zugasti Azagra, Ricardo; García-Ortega, Carmela
Los temas de campaña en la prensa nacional.pdf.jpgdic-2015Los temas de campaña en la prensa nacional y aragonesa durante un ciclo electoral completo: municipales y autonómicas de 2011, generales de 2011 y europeas de 2014García-Ortega, Carmela; Zugasti Azagra, Ricardo
Fostering intercultural dialogue through religious education in Primary Education in Spain = Promoviendo el diálogo intercultural a través de la asignatura de religión en Educación Primaria en España.pdf.jpg2020Fostering intercultural dialogue through religious education in Primary Education in SpainSierra Huedo, Mª Luisa; Fernández-Romero, Cayetano
Coronavirus-driven digitalization of in-person communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church online response in Spain during the pandemic.pdf.jpg28-abr-2021Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the PandemicSabaté Gauxachs, Alba; Albalad Aiguabella, José María; Diez Bosch, Miriam
Sport content in spanish television programming (1993-2010).pdf.jpg2019Sport content in spanish television programming (1993-2010): An analysis from the audience ratings perspectiveBonaut Iriarte, Joseba; Ibañez, Mireya Vicent