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Does Arch Stiffness Influence Running Spatiotemporal Parameters An Analysis of the Relationship between Influencing Factors on Running Performance.pdf.jpg2-mar-2021Does Arch Stiffness Influence Running Spatiotemporal Parameters? An Analysis of the Relationship between Influencing Factors on Running PerformanceGarcía-Pinillos, Felipe; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Latorre-Román, Pedro Á.; Escalona-Marfil, Carles; Soto-Hermoso, Víctor M.; Lago-Fuentes, Carlos; Pueyo-Villa, Silvia
Is There a Relationship between the Morphology of Connective Tissue and Reactivity during a Drop Jump Influence of Sex and Athletic Performance Level.pdf.jpg18-feb-2021Is There a Relationship between the Morphology of Connective Tissue and Reactivity during a Drop Jump Influence of Sex and Athletic Performance LevelRubio-Peirotén, Alberto; García-Pinillos, Felipe; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Cartón-Llorente, Antonio; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique
Relationship between reactive strength and leg stiffness at submaximal velocity.pdf.jpg26-jun-2021Relationship between Reactive Strength and Leg Stiffness at Submaximal Velocity: Effects of Age on Distance RunnersJaén-Carrillo, Diego; Cartón-Llorente, Antonio; Lozano, Demetrio; Rubio-Peirotén, Alberto; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; García-Pinillos, Felipe
Estimating Functional Threshold Power.pdf.jpg15-ene-2021Estimating Functional Threshold Power in Endurance Running from Shorter Time Trials Using a 6-Axis Inertial Measurement SensorCartón-Llorente, Antonio; García-Pinillos, Felipe; Royo-Borruel, Jorge; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Rubio-Peirotén, Alberto
Relationship between connective tissue morphology.pdf.jpg10-ago-2021Relationship between connective tissue morphology and lower-limb stiffness in endurance runners. A prospective studyRubio-Peirotén, Alberto; García-Pinillos, Felipe; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Cartón-Llorente, Antonio; Abat, Ferrán; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique