Artículos de revistas : [561]

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 381 a 400 de 561
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Effect of a long exercise program in the reduction of musculoskeletal.pdf.jpg4-dic-2020Effect of a long exercise program in the reduction of musculoskeletalVillanueva, Alberto; Rabal-Pelay, Juan; Berzosa Sánchez, César; Gutiérrez, Héctor; Cimarras-Otal, Cristina; Lacárcel-Tejero, Belén; Bataller-Cervero, Ana Vanessa
Thermophysical characterization of the deep eutectic solvent choline.pdf.jpg15-jul-2019Thermophysical characterization of the deep eutectic solvent choline chloride:ethylene glycol and one of its mixtures with waterLapeña-Gil, David; Lomba Eraso, Laura; Artal, Manuela; Giner, Beatriz
DesarrolloyvalidaciónpreliminardelinstrumentoHSQoL-24paraevaluarcalidaddevidaenpacientesconhidradenitissupurativa.pdf.jpg2019Desarrollo y validación preliminar del instrumento HSQoL-24 para evaluar calidad de vida en pacientes con hidradenitis supurativaMarrón, Servando E.; Gómez-Barrera, Manuel; Tomás-Aragonés, Lucía; Díaz-Díaz, Rosa María; Vilarrasa Rull, Eva; Madrid Álvarez, María Blanca; Puig, Lluís L.
Pre-service teacher education Connecting a decolonial pedagogical work with the social.pdf.jpg2020Formación inicial de maestros de educación física: Conectando un quehacer pedagógico decolonial con la intervención social, política e insurgente del espacio públicoMoreno-Doña, Alberto; Arévalo, Sergio Toro; Gómez Gonzalvo, Fernando
La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en el control del entrenamiento en un corredor de Ironman.pdf.jpg2020La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en el control del entrenamiento en un corredor de Ironman. Estudio de casoNieto-Jiménez, Claudio; Ruso-Álvarez, José Francisco; Mainer Pardos, Elena; Orellana, José Naranjo
The Most Useful Pharmaceutical Formulations (Individualized Medications) in Pediatric.pdf.jpg2021Revisión de las fórmulas magistrales (medicamentos individualizados) de mayor interés en dermatología pediátricaAbarca-Lachén, Edgar; Hernando Martínez, P.; Gilaberte-Calzada, Yolanda
Gellius’ dilemma at noctes atticae xiv 2.pdf.jpg2020Gellius’ Dilemma at Noctes Atticae XIV 2: Legal and Ethical Approaches in the CourtJerue, Benjamin Adam
Nursing Lecturers’ Perception and Experience of Teaching.pdf.jpg2-feb-2021Nursing lecturers’ perception and experience of teaching cultural competence: a european qualitative studyAntón-Solanas, Isabel; Huércanos-Esparza, Isabel; Hamam-Alcober, Nadia; Vanceulebroeck, Valérie; Dehaes, Shana; Kalkan, Idrani; Kömürcü, N.; Coelho, Margarida; Coelho, Teresa; Casa-Nova, Antonio; Cordeiro, Raúl Alberto; Ramón-Arbués, Enrique; Moreno-González, Sergio; Tambo Lizalbe, Elena
Strength training habits in amateur endurance runners in spain.pdf.jpg5-nov-2020Strength training habits in amateur endurance runners in spain: Influence of athletic levelGarcía-Pinillos, Felipe; Lago-Fuentes, Carlos; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Büjalance-Moreno, Pascual; Latorre-Román, Pedro Á.; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo
Criticism-of-critical-physical-education.pdf.jpg2018Crítica de la educación física crítica: eurocentrismo pedagógico y limitaciones epistemológicasGómez Gonzalvo, Fernando; Moreno-Doña, Alberto; Arévalo, Sergio Toro
The construction of the Arab-Islamic issue in foreign news- Spanish newspaper coverage of the Egyptian revolution.pdf.jpg2020The construction of the Arab-Islamic issue in foreign news: Spanish newspaper coverage of the Egyptian revolutionCorral García, Alfonso; DHaenens, Leen S.J.
Mechanical Power in Endurance Running.pdf.jpg13-nov-2020Mechanical Power in Endurance Running: A Scoping Review on Sensors for Power Output Estimation during RunningJaén-Carrillo, Diego; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Cartón-Llorente, Antonio; Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo; García-Pinillos, Felipe
Global positioning system analysis of physical demands in small and large-sided games with floaters.pdf.jpg18-nov-2020Global positioning system analysis of physical demands in small and large-sided games with floaters and official matches in the process of return to play in high level soccer playersLozano, Demetrio; Lampre, Miguel; Díez, Adrián; Gonzalo-Skok, Óliver; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Castillo, Daniel; Arjol-Serrano, José Luis
Skier demand and behavioural adaptation to weather, snow conditions and climate change in central.pdf.jpg6-nov-2020Skier demand and behavioural adaptation to weather, snow conditions and climate change in central pyreneesGilaberte-Búrdalo, María; López-Moreno, Juan Ignacio
Validation of mDurance, A Wearable Surface Electromyography System for Muscle Activity.pdf.jpg27-nov-2020Validation of mDurance, A Wearable Surface Electromyography System for Muscle Activity AssessmentMolina-Molina, Alejandro; Ruiz-Malagón, Emilio J.; Carrillo-Pérez, Francisco; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Damas, Miguel; Banos, Oresti; García-Pinillos, Felipe
Delineation of the electrocardiogram with a mixed-quality-annotations.pdf.jpg13-ene-2021Delineation of the electrocardiogram with a mixed-quality-annotations dataset using convolutional neural networksJiménez-Pérez, Guillermo; Alcaine Otín, Alejandro; Cámara, Óscar
Estimating Functional Threshold Power.pdf.jpg15-ene-2021Estimating Functional Threshold Power in Endurance Running from Shorter Time Trials Using a 6-Axis Inertial Measurement SensorCartón-Llorente, Antonio; García-Pinillos, Felipe; Royo-Borruel, Jorge; Jaén-Carrillo, Diego; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Rubio-Peirotén, Alberto
Effects of a multicomponent exercise program, a detraining period and dietary intake prediction of body composition of frail and pre-frail older adults from the exernet elder 3.0 study.pdf.jpg26-nov-2020Effects of a multicomponent exercise program, a detraining period and dietary intake prediction of body composition of frail and pre-frail older adults from the exernet elder 3.0 studyMoradell, Ana; Navarrete-Villanueva, David; Fernández-García, Ángel Iván; Sagarra-Romero, Lucía; Marín-Puyalto, Jorge; Pérez-Gómez, Jorge; Gesteiro, Eva; Ara, Ignacio; Casajus, José Antonio; Gómez-Cabello, Alba; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán
La atención sanitaria a pacientes con multimorbilidad.pdf.jpg26-oct-2020La atención sanitaria a pacientes con multimorbilidad. La percepción de los profesionalesTambo Lizalbe, Elena; Febrel Bordejé, M.; Urpí-Fernández, Ana María; Abad-Díez, José María
Attenuation of anxiety-like behavior by helichrysum stoechas (L.) moench methanolic extract through up-regulation of erk signaling pathways in noradrenergic neurons.pdf.jpg17-dic-2020Attenuation of anxiety-like behavior by helichrysum stoechas (L.) moench methanolic extract through up-regulation of erk signaling pathways in noradrenergic neuronsBorgonetti, Vittoria; Les, Francisco; López Ramos, Víctor; Galeotti, Nicoletta
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 381 a 400 de 561